Products and Services

I offer a variety of hypnotherapy and coaching services, to help you resolve any internal conflicts and obstacles to success.  I now offer clients two different types of services:

  • Live virtual sessions via Zoom, for clients who wish to have an interactive session.  Contact me to set up your first appointment!  IMPORTANT: I am taking new clients, but please keep in mind that I am usually booked 2-4 weeks out at any given time.
  • Pre-recorded sessions for the most common issues.  This approach is proving to be extremely helpful for clients who have financial and/or scheduling issues that keep them from booking a regular session.  This option also works extremely well for individuals (and many folks fall into this category) who not only struggle with a particular issue, but are ashamed of it so much that they'd rather not even talk to a therapist about it.  If that sounds like you, consider a pre-recorded session.  Most of those are about 30 minutes in duration, and you can listen to them at your convenience, in the privacy of your own home.

Since most clients who contact me already have a specific issue in mind, I have grouped my services under those headings.  However, you can always also simply Contact Me to discuss your particular circumstances.

Hypnotherapy Sessions

The below issues are some of the more common issues which come up for clients.  These are often problematic for day to day life, and may create mild to moderate physical, mental or emotional health issues.  I offer these recordings as a way for people to begin addressing these issues in the comfort of their own homes.

NOTE: If you have moderate to severe physical, mental and/or emotional health issues, please consult with your existing health care providers before using one of these recordings. 

Also, these recordings are most effective when combined with other healthy living practices, such as a balanced diet, daily physical and relaxation activities, and healthy relationships.  If you are currently struggling with any of these more general categories, please work with a healthcare professional via ongoing sessions as part of your overall health building plan.  I am happy to coordinate with any other healthcare professional as part of that plan.



Quit SmokingBreak this unhealthy habit and start reaping the rewards today!  Click here to learn more.


Improve ConfidenceMove through your day assured that you can handle whatever comes at you!  Click here to learn more.


Improve Sports PerformanceBring your very best to each practice, each workout and each competition.  Click here to learn more.


Boost Motivation: Everyone needs motivation to complete challenging projects or reach new heights.  Click here to learn more.


Greater Creativity: Access your innate creativity more easily for personal or professional projects.  Click here to learn more.


Healthy Weight: You can achieve and maintain a healthy weight, by modifying your subconscious eating habits and creating new, healthier eating patterns. This is a four-part series.  Click here to learn more.


Conquer Fears and Phobias: Many of us have fears and phobias that we cannot explain, yet which negatively impact our lives.  Get rid of that fear or phobia once and for all with hypnotherapy.


Eliminate Stuttering: The vast majority of stutterers began speaking normally, with normal anatomy and normal speech development.  Then somewhere along the line, something changed.  While we may not know why that change occured, many stutterers continue to stutter throughout their lives as a learned, unconscious habit.  Hypnotherapy can change that.


Improve Musical Performance: Many of us enjoy music, and even enjoy performing either vocally or with an instrument.  Yet nerves can undo the best performance, no matter how skilled the musician.  Hypnosis can help with that.


Bruxism (grinding teeth): Do you grind your teeth, particularly at night?  Your dentist may have recommended a mouth guard to prevent tooth damage from this habitual behavior, but that doesn't fix the core issue.  Hypnosis can eliminate this habit and replace it with healthier, non-destructive behaviors.

Success Coaching


My Success Coaching Program provides sustained personalized guidance to help you accomplish large personal or professional goals. I offer three different programs:

  • 4 sessions (1 month)
  • 8 sessions (2 months)
  • 12 sessions (3 months)

Regardless of how many sessions you sign up for, I'll help you define clear objectives, create actionable plans, stay on track and remain motivated. Just imagine achieving your goals, boosting your self-confidence, seeing your goals and projects come to life, and develop essential skills that you'll be able to use again.  Click here to learn more.


Success Coaching Single Session: Sometimes we have a project well underway, with clearly defined goals and a well-laid out map for our progress.  Then we hit a single obstacle which stops us cold.  We don't need a whole success coaching program; we just need to get around this one obstacle.  Or perhaps you've realized that you have a pattern of self-sabotage with your projects and goals, and need some help getting beyond that pattern.  Either way, I can help.  Click here to sign up for a single session.

Classes From Other Trainers

My goal with this website was to provide as much support and assistance to as many people as possible.  One part of that is offering my own services in pre-recorded formats.  That way, as many people as possible can use those recordings, whenever they're ready, even when I'm already booked solid.

Another way I'm trying to serve you the reader, is to bring you the very best services from other trainers, coaches and practitioners as possible.  As I have undergone my own training, I've become aware of many extremely talented, knowledgeable and gifted success coaches, trainers and NLP practitioners over the years.  Honestly, it's silly of me to try to offer my own spin on workshops and classes that they've already mastered.  So instead of reinventing the wheel, I'm going to offer those workshops and classes here. 

The classes and workshops listed below are among the very best I've ever taken, from the most knowledgeable and accomplished trainers I've ever worked with.  I have already taken the vast majority of classes listed below; that's how I can recommend them to you.  I'll provide a brief description of each one, along with a link to a page here on this website with more information about that class.  That class page will have a link where you can jump to the class home page, and select to purchase it there if you believe it will meet your needs.

Also, please note that I was not paid to provide favorable reviews for the below classes and workshops.  Nor was I offered the classes for free.  I paid for them at their regular price, and completed them because I wanted them to help me move through limitations and obstacles.  I recommend them here because they fulfilled everything I hoped for and beyond.  I fully expect that they can do the same for you.  if you purchase one of these classes, I may (or may not) receive a small commission at no cost to you, depending upon the trainer/training facility offering the class.  The classes I've taken which did NOT live up to their promises, don't make the cut to be included below.  Every trainer, training facility and class listed below has earned its place here.

Transform Destiny

Transform Destiny was where I got most of my formal training in hypnotherapy, success coaching and NLP.  I took my first class from them back in 2010 and I've been taking classes ever since.  When the whole world seemed against me and my dreams, the classes I took from them helped guide me towards one success after another. Their people are fantastic to work with, and when I decided to become a success coach, I knew I wanted to get my certification from Transform Destiny.  So I can recommend the following classes wholeheartedly.  If anything in the below list looks like it could help you achieve your own goals, I hope you go for it.  Their classes will serve you very well.

Eliminate Imposter Syndrome: If you've ever questioned your competency on the job, or you fee like all your accomplishments have been a matter of luck, this class is for you.  Imposter Syndrome can become crippling over time if you let it get the best of you.  Learn with this class how to reclaim your faith in yourself, your skills, your talents, and your power.  For more information, you can read more about it on my Imposter Syndrome page, or you can jump right to Transform Destiny's Eliminate Imposter Syndrome class page.

The Power To Manifest Now!: You may have heard people talking about manifestation, and/or the Law of Attraction, as being the keys to getting what you want in life.  It turns out, there's a whole lot more to it.  The good news is, yes there is a "recipe" for getting what you want in life.  This class will teach you that recipe, and how to apply it to your life to get what you want.  You can read more about it on my Manifest Your Goals page, or you can jump right to Transform Destiny's The Power To Manifest Now! class page.

My Classes and Workshops

While the classes listed above are awesome, sometimes I have seen a need for a class or workshop which doesn't seem to exist yet.  That led to me creating the classes listed below.  As with all my other pre-recorded offerings, the following classes and workshops will help me serve a much wider group of people simultaneously, while ensuring that each client receives the very best information available.  Each class will be presented in a pre-recorded format for download, so that you can view them at your own pace, on your own schedule. 

Here is my tentative class list for the rest of 2024 and into 2025:

  • Job Search 101: Regardless of your circumstances, looking for a new job is never fun.  Honestly, it's a heck of a lot of work.  To make things even more challenging, the entire job search process has changed dramatically in the last few years.  I'll teach you how to excel at your own particular job search goals, and harness every tool available to you to land that perfect job.
  • Small Business Success 101: You've got a nifty idea for the next best widget or service, and you can't wait to set up shop.  Then the reality hits that wow, this is WAY more work than you ever figured.  Knowing how to make that next best thing is only the start of your journey.  I can help demystify the rest.
  • From Stuttering to Fluent Speech: Stuttering runs in my family, and I lived with it for decades myself.  For the majority of my life, I struggled to say the simplest words, even my own name. Now, I'm a fluent speaker.  What made the difference?  Hypnosis and NLP.  After decades of struggling with stuttering, I have finally kicked it for good.  And now I can't wait to teach other stutterers how to do the same.  If you're ready to become a fluent speaker, this class is for you.
  • A.I.  For Solopreneurs, Freelancers and Other Creatives:  Unless you've been living under a rock for most of 2024, you'll have seen multiple news stories about how AI is changing everything.  If you're a solopreneur, freelancer or other creative, you might be excited, terrified or both about how AI is going to disrupt your world.  Instead of living in fear, what if you could harness AI to do your work better?  I'll be exploring ways for AI to help you achieve your goals and handle your day-to-day projects even more effectively.
  • From Scarcity to Abundance: The twin concepts of scarcity and abundance are finally reaching mainstream consciousness.  But what are they, how do each of those states affect us, and how do we deliberately move from scarcity to abundance in our lives?  We'll cover those questions, and more.
  • Learning How to Talk To Ourselves: A person's self-talk - the good, the bad and the ugly - has a huge bearing on how that person moves through life.  And because this conversation happens within the confines of our skulls, we're usually the only ones aware of it.  If you have been having uncomfortable or painful conversations with yourself, or if you yell at yourself, berate yourself, argue with yourself or otherwise don't like talking with the voice in your head, this class is for you.  Learn how to spot damaging and dysfunctional self-talk, and learn how to converse with yourself constructively.  You'll be so glad you did.
  • Moving from Victimhood To Empowerment: For anyone who has suffered misfortune in life, particularly when it's a regular occurrence, it can start to feel like the cards are forever stacked against us.  If you have ever felt like the world just keeps on disappointing you, this class is for you.  Learn how to get out from under the burden of being a victim.  Reclaim your power to set your own course, and achieve your own goals.
  • Better Money Management: Many of us have complicated relationships with the topics of money, earnings, savings and/or wealth.  In fact, money management is one of the top reasons couples argue.  In this class we'll take a deep dive into beliefs, values and identities about money.  We'll identify places where we want to make improvements and then learn how to build a new relationship with our money habits.  If you've ever gotten flustered with money for any reason, and/or you want to manage your money rather than it managing you, this class is for you.
  • Embracing the Holidays: Many of us dread one or more of the traditional holidays that come every year.  If you shudder when you think of a particular holiday rolling around again, and you wish you could enjoy it with everyone else, this class is for you.  We'll be exploring what causes that reaction, and how you can finally start enjoying the holidays again.

If you have a class or workshop concept that you'd like me to cover, please feel free to either Contact Me or fill out my New Product or Service Request Form.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Still Have Questions?

If you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me to discuss your issue or project.  We can work through what solution would be best for your needs.

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Contact Me For Help Reaching Your Goals


When you're ready to move forward, push through obstacles and make real progress towards your goals, Contact Me today.

New Products and Services Request Form

Do you have a product or service request that you don't already see listed here?  I'd love to hear your ideas!  Please feel free to either Contact Me or fill out my new Product and Service Request Form

Thanks for your suggestions!

  • Renowned golfer Tiger Woods employed hypnosis and NLP techniques to enhance his focus and performance on the golf course.

  • Theoretical physicist Albert Einstein reportedly used self-hypnosis to access deeper levels of creativity and problem-solving.

  • Media mogul Oprah Winfrey has spoken about using hypnosis to overcome personal challenges and enhance her focus and productivity.

  • Comedian and television host Ellen DeGeneres turned to hypnosis to successfully quit smoking.

  • Actor Sylvester Stallone used hypnosis to enhance his performance and confidence on screen.

  • Soccer legend David Beckham used hypnosis to help him with performance anxiety during his illustrious career.

  • The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, utilized hypnotherapy to lose weight and increase her self-confidence.

  • Actor Matt Damon publicly praised hypnosis for helping him quit smoking.

  • Professional golfer Jack Nicklaus attributes his success in golf to hypnosis and success-oriented visualizations.

  • Actress Jessica Alba used hypnobirthing techniques during childbirth, utilizing hypnosis to create a calm experience while minimizing discomfort.

  • Actor Bruce Willis turned to hypnotherapy to overcome his stuttering problem.

  • Actor Kevin Costner sought the help of a hypnotherapist to overcome seasickness during the filming of "Waterworld".

  • Tennis superstar Serena Williams has used NLP to focus on her goals, overcome negative thoughts and emotions, and maintain a positive mental attitude.

  • Basketball legend Michael Jordan utilized hypnosis to maintain his focus and calmness during high-pressure games.