In my success coaching practice, I use a number of well-researched techniques and principles to help clients set and achieve their goals. Yet many people have either never heard of these principles, or have never used them. I offer them here in this series as a way for clients to better understand the CORE coaching process that I use, and why it is so effective.
The links below will lead you to another page specifically about that topic. You'll see a lot of internal links referencing other pages on my site, as well as a few external links.
I hope that you'll find this library to be educational and useful as you chart a course for your own personal or professional improvement. If you would like to see a topic covered which is not yet listed here, Contact me and I'll add it to the list!
The following topics all have an impact on success coaching practices, methods and strategies. If the title looks like a hyperlink, that means that topic has a related page ready to read. If it's still black, then that topic is planned but not yet completed.
Being at Cause vs Being at Effect
States versus Goals
Gatekeeper vs Goalgetter
Empowering vs Disempowering Questions
Importance of Confidence in Reaching a Goal
What We Can and Cannot Do With Coaching
This page will be under construction for the foreseeable future, as I complete the above topics. I will also be expanding the above list of topics over time.
If you have a topic in mind that you'd like to see covered, Contact Me and I'll add it to the priority list for completion.
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Do you have a product or service request that you don't already see listed here? I'd love to hear your ideas! Please feel free to either Contact Me or fill out my new Product and Service Request Form.
Thanks for your suggestions!